We are only a small group but we have achieved much and can be justly proud of our record in aiding the many badgers that have needed our help. Badgers face just as many challenges as they did when the group was formed, in spite of stronger legal protection.
The need for local badger groups with enthusiasm and expert knowledge is as great as it has ever been. They ensure that badgers continue to be a welcome part of our wildlife heritage.

In 1979 following a series of attacks on badger setts in a Sanderstead woodland, which included gassing and digging into the setts, a group of concerned residents called a meeting in a nearby Scout hut. The meeting was well attended and there was a great determination to combat this mindless persecution of one of Britain's best loved animals.
From this meeting evolved a fledgling organisation called 'The Badger Protection Society' - one of the very first badger groups to be formed in the country.